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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Academic Appeals

The 网赌最好最大平台 Academic Appeals Committee is comprised of 网赌最好最大平台 faculty from various departments across campus and recommends resolution to cases presented in written form (i.e., this online form) by students. It is expected that reasonable attempts have been made to achieve resolution to your issue with the professor and dean of the school prior to involving the Academic Appeals Committee. Meetings with the committee are generally not required, but may be necessary in some instances; if a meeting is required you will be contacted by the committee. If you have questions about the appeals process, please contact the Academic Office at 606-474-3253, or visit the office in Lusby Center. If your appeal is related to class attendance, please note that you should carefully review the attendance policy contained in the Academic Catalog prior to submitting an appeal. If you have documentation to support absences, please indicate so in the form (i.e., “doctor’s note”) and immediately direct a copy of the document(s) to Mr. Calvin Lindell, 网赌最好最大平台 Box 2064 or email . If you are appealing for reinstatement because of absences you must list ALL of your absences, with dates, including any “unexcused” ones. If your appeal is related to another academic issue, please attempt to capture the reason for the appeal in as brief and succinct a manner as possible, while including details pertinent to understanding the context and extent of the matter in question. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.